Monday, April 09, 2007

"Are You Mad At Me?"

This must be the most infuriating question in the world. The person who asks it - usually in a whiny, high-pitched sort of "You're soooo meeeean" voice - doesn't want to hear yes, even though their question might lead you to think they suspect they're irritating.

An friend of mine asked this question when I didn't look thrilled at having to get up from what I was doing so she could borrow something of mine. She's asked the question more than once, too, usually in situations where I didn't look sufficiently joyful.

Why is it that unless you're bouncing-off-the-walls, happy-fucking-bunny-on-crack happy that you must be "mad." Or worse, "depressed"? Why is every non-smiling face we make turned into "You must be mad." You know what? Maybe I am slightly annoyed that you keep asking that stupid fucking question.

Sometimes you just have a bad day. Sometimes you're fine, but there's no particular goddamn reason to smile. Maybe you're sick of listening to boring, pointless chatter about a subject you don't really care about.

And taken to the extreme, your failure to smile, laugh, or be happy means you might need some medication. Because no one just has a bad day any more. In fact, no one just has a regular day any more. If you're not happy, you must have some sort of chemical imbalance.


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